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(1) 原则

The Draft AI Law says that the , and use of AI in must to the of good faith, as well as (among ): self- and of ; , , , , and (to avoid risks of both and uses); human in (and of) the “AI life cycle”; non-, , , and ; legal , , and ; and of AI and ; and / when using AI.


(2) of an “AI ” “人工智能系统”的定义

The Draft AI Law an “AI ” as a with of , to infer how to a given set of , using based on and/or logic and , via input data from or , with the goal of , , or that can the or real . This , at least , with the the same term, which other have also or drawn from when their own AI .


(3) Risk 风险评估

and users of AI must and a risk prior to on the .


(4) High-Risk AI 高风险人工智能系统

The Draft AI Law an list of “high-risk” AI , which AI used in the : the of ; and ; ; ; use of (if such use could cause harm to ); and . , the Draft AI Law also (e.g., ) as high-risk AI . The (see “” below) is for the list in with a of set out in the Draft AI Law.

《巴西人工智能法(草案)》列举了“高风险” 人工智能,其中包括在下列场景中使用的人工智能系统:确保重要基础设施运营安全、教育和职业培训、信用评估、使用自动驾驶机动车(如果该使用可能对自然人造成身体伤害)以及生物识别。值得注意的是,《巴西人工智能法(草案)》还界定了作为高风险人工智能系统的医疗卫生应用(例如医疗设备)。有权机构(见下文“强制执行”)有义务根据草案所规定的标准定期更新清单。

(5) of High-Risk AI 公开高风险人工智能系统数据库

The is also with and a of high-risk AI , which will (among other ) the risk of and users of such . Such will be under and trade laws.


(6) AI 禁止性人工智能系统

’s Draft AI Law a on AI that (i) , or (ii) the of of , such or is or has the of being to the or of the end user. , ’s Draft AI Law also from and the use of in , there is a law or court order that the use of such (e.g., for the of ).


(7) of 个人的权利

The Draft AI Law by AI the -à-vis“” and “users” of AI , of the risk- of the AI :

·Right to their with an AI prior to using it – in , by that (among other ): the use of AI, a of its role, any human , and the (s)/ (s)/ (s) it is used for (and their ); of the of the AI and ; of data used; and to , non-, and ;


·Right to an a , , or made by an AI 15 days of the – in , about the and used, and the main the or (e.g., and logic of the , how much it the made, and so forth);

·Right to or of AI that legal or the of the party;

·Right to human made by AI , into the and the state of the art of ;

·Right to non- the of bias, where it from the use of data to (a) a from , or (b) / for to a group, even when are used; and

·Right to and the of data, in with the Data Law (“LGPD”).








(8) and Codes of 治理和行为准则

and users of all AI must , and of of such and the of , (among ) and -by- .


and users of “high-risk” AI must , such as: an that must be made , which may need to be ; a team to the AI is by ; to with .


, and users of AI may also draw up codes of and to the of the Draft AI Law’s .


(9) 严重安全事件

and users of AI must the of the of , where there is risk to human life or the of , of , to or the , as well as any other of human .


(10) Civil 民事责任

and users of AI are for the (s) by the AI , of the of of the . , and users of “high-risk” AI the of their in the , and their fault in the is .





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