GM(1,1)模型具有计算量小、过程简单且精度较高等优点,特别适合于基础数据相对缺乏的城市桥梁交通量预测研究。因此,本文在介绍GM(1,1)模型的基本原理基础上,收集福州市橘园洲大桥2005年至2009年的交通量数据,应用GM(1,1)模型对其进行未来年的交通量预测,从而为城市桥梁交通量预测提供了一种简单实用的方法。这对于桥梁的建设和管理具有十分重要意义。%GM (1, 1) model has many , such as, a small of , and high . , it can be used to the of a city under and data of the . , the the of GM(1, 1) model, and the data of ~u in from 2005 to 2009, then the GM (1, 1) model to a of 's in the next years. This model and 's , which was very for 's and .展开▼